Tik Tok Tik Tok

That second-hand is ticking pretty fast, February has passed me by really swiftly. Plans not yet met, tiny steps unmade. It seems like I'm waiting for things to just happen without my slightest intervention. 

Oh come on! Can I just say come what may? I don't want to make serious plans with deadlines and all that when I know I might just get disappointed in the end. I don't want any expectations, or promises of a bright future, or a dream come true, when I know I have yet to get through that crazy current and those wild waves before I reach the calm and comfort of the sea.

I'm just too tired right now. March is just around the corner, and... well, yes, I have planned a lot of things for March, but things are at a blur. Can someone teach me how to measure feasibility sharply and instantly?

Right now, I'm at a pause in a junction box. You can just hit me and run. 

My guards are down. 

I'm just waiting to be saved. 


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