Three Full Years of Come What May
"The man falling isn't permitted to feel or hear himself hit bottom.
He just keeps falling and falling."
~J. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
Makes sense to me. But let's skip the depressing part, and get on with this. Yes, I am a dreamer. At least, I was. I have been this goal-setter who never takes no for an answer. But then life happened. Growing up happened. And here I am, taking no for an answer, and living my days with the mantra come what may.
Pathetic, isn't it? I could not hate myself more for this. But then again, things happen for some reason, and I can't keep on hating the world for throwing shitty things my way.
Nah, I now refuse to dwell on that. I am not just lucky. I am blessed. I just have to start looking at the bright side of things, and not hate everyone. Hah! Good luck, Rein.
And in celebrating my 3 years in Dubai, I will (try to) stop this self-pity and be thankful for whatever I have.
Come what may. But I gotta get over this quarter-life crisis soonest! It's been going on for too long now. Let's dream again!
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