There's this Perfect Time and Timepiece

"Once we begin to chime the hour, we lose the ability to be satisfied."

Mitch Albom's Timekeeper has given me that moment to pause and realize how much I haven't lived in the now. I'm pretty much too affected with yesterday, too bothered and frustrated with almost everything in today, and too worried or overly excited with what I wanna do tomorrow. I forget to make memories, I even forget to remember how my day went.

And I wanna change that. I want to enjoy and remember and make happy memories and remember them all the days of my life. So yeah, let me deal with this jagged mind of mine and just live and feel good and love life.

Pinch me every now and then to make sure I'm at it, alright? :)

On a lighter note, we've got that newspaper wallpaper installed in our bedroom (not really our choice, but it can work), and had that sweet alarm clock to add character to our little space. What do you think about it?

Err, I'm sure that alarm isn't gonna serve it's purpose of waking us up. Let's just say we refuse to chime the hour. Teehee


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