Greece Photo Diary: Day 3 Part 2

Museums, Temples, Churches, Historical Sites, Neighborhoods of Athens. 25 September 2015.

After the Acropolis, we were off to tick some more touristy things to see and do and taste in the Capital City of Greece!
The New Acropolis Museum

Breakfast at the Museum Cafe, with the Acropolis View!

Arch of Adrian and the busy streets of Central Athens
Temple of Olympian Zeus

Off to the busy streets of Plaka.

Pausing, and thanking the Lord for all of these.

Souvenirs shopping

Lunching at an Authentic Greek Taverna
More souvenirs!

Frozen Yogurts and Gelatos :)
Stroll around the charming neighborhood of Plaka

And off to freshen up and enjoy our last night in Greece.
Kisses. Hugs. And stay tuned for more posts on this Greece Photo Diary Series! :) By the way, we were just walking all those almost 8 hours!


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