Twist on that Tale

Another long overdue post.

Tuesday, rest day, and things you've missed for quite a while.

Dinner. Movie. Karaoke.

But I'm just going to talk about the movie: Red Riding Hood.

I didn't know what to expect with it since I haven't read reviews, or watched the trailer, and I supposed it was that fairytale I knew as a kid.

And yes it was, with the crazy twist, and the mystery I failed to decipher.

It was a movie worth watching, not that great, but worth it. Especially when you're with crazy-brained company, and suddenly, everything is fun :)

Grandma, what big eyes you have!
Better to see you with, my dear!

Red Riding Hood: Amanda loves Hardwicke's version of the story, and how dark and gothic it is

And that red cloak was so beautiful. Wooott!


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