
Just when I said that this is not a food blog, I've got more food blogposts coming up.  

Being away from the mother who spoils you with home-cooked goodness gets you depending on preserved and instant cooks. A few days ago, I've decided to start balancing good and bad food. And started with this. If there's a cheat day, this is my good day as I've been cheating every day! 

10 am. A glass of water. 



1 pm. Water!!!

2 pm. A glass of soy milk. 

3 pm. 

4:30 pm. Okay I can't take my hunger! I had a butter cookie! Haha cheater! And a glass of water.

6 pm. Water and more water!
Yes, I had the energy for a swim! I needed a chill afternoon and my loves were home from work early. Yey! You couldn't imagine how famished I was after.

7pm. A quick shower and a full meal for dinner. I had rice topped with chicken and cabbage in oyster sauce. Told you I was starving! Haha Don't judge. I had warm lemon juice before and throughout the meal keeping the idea of detox in mind. My tummy churned and I was still sooo hungry. Or was it just my mind?

9pm. Still starving. I had another serving of oatmeal. I didn't want fruits the whole day so i just thought of high fiber subs. 

Dark chocolate from Debauve and Gallais (idk how to read that either!) as a treat for surviving the day!

This is a first and it wasn't perfect. But it's a big step for me and I should keep it up. Prolly a day a month or a week? Depends. Haha! Cheers to challenges for one's self! ;)


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