
The Rabbit has arrived! It's the New Year everyone. Twenty-Eleven.

Thus me celebrating the anniversary of this blog - Vagueness and Sensibility.

Blogger has been my outlet for all-things-me. From movies I've watched, books I've read, TV series I'm following, songs I've been repeating, to my crazy thoughts, bipolar moods, indescribable emotions, to anything and everything at all.

And I'm glad I have started this blog last year. It's like a journal of my life, a life of vagueness and sensibilities. 

And thank you my God, for another year of life, love and laughter.
And everything in between that.

2011, surprise me! In a nice way, please? :)
I'll surprise you too! :)

I have a lot of backlog blog posts for 2010. 
I have been pretty busy. 
But I'm sure to fill you in. 
Soon :)


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