
In the world of calming thoughts and dreamy wanderings, I am already by the beach, on a sunny afternoon, lying underneath pine trees, with an ice cold drink and a book on hand, feeling that cool breeze.

In search of comfort and security, I am back home. But that home wouldn't be the same place that I've grown up in. No it would not be that only place that I feel complacent and safe all my life. Instead, it would be a whole new (green and orange :)) home for me. And now I'm wondering, would it actually still feel like home?

And then, I'm snapped back to the present. And here I am, stressing out with insurance forms and registrations and pre-approvals.

I don't have any right to complain, I'm sure of that. But I can't help my mind from losing it. I can't crash out the if only.

Fortunately, with every beat of this aching heart, there is hope. And one day, soon, I'd be where my mind always wanders to.


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