Jumeirah Lake Towers
Friday Flyday! And will you look at that beautiful and perfect moon?
It's my first time in the place and I fell in love. I'd love to just sit in a corner and contemplate on life, probably even write a short story (I wish!). Or bike or run or tumble or whatever. The possibilities are endless. And the autumn air is perfect for a late afternoon by the lake, staying still, observing all creatures - living, non-living - and letting the imagination go wild.
Another man-made awesomeness! I shall be back there, with a better camera, with all the time, and without a care in the world. Yes.
For now, my doom has arrived. So I'll probably be posting less and living less. Hopefully just for a month, because I'm hearing it's for the rest of the year. Help me pray, will you?
*BB Torch photos. Pardon the quality.
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