Enliven thy Senses
During the Holidays, I have always wanted to spend time with myself and nature. But with all those mind-drafted plans, none was fulfilled. Luckily, I had the perfect Monday night to spend off from work, and nothing else was on, just the best time to go someplace cool and scenic.
Dear Mr. A,
Here I am again, after 3 years(has it really been that long since my 18th year?), expecting you to uplift my senses. These past months, I have been weary and troubled, and I badly needed to be comforted and calmed. And you did.I appreciate very much the beauty that you have offered me. I love looking at the deep blue sky; how the big bright moon hides behind the clouds, how the little stars seemingly twinkle, how the shapeless clouds profile figures that we try to decipher, and how the soft wind blows the clouds away. I love how I was left silent, and how the view and the cold gentle air have taken me wherever.And then, I felt a lot better. Past memories here were bittersweet, yet for tonight, you have made it amazingly sweet.And, and, there was a shooting star. I wasn’t able to make a wish though, since I looked down at the exact wrong second. *sigh*Nevertheless, the night started and ended great. Thank you.
Sweet dreams for now.
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