Kiss Old Habits Hello
What a Sunday!
It definitely was a far-from-ordinary Sunday for me.
It wasn't my usual Lazy Sunday, and not even an easy Sunday morning since I had to get up at four in the morning, and get to work before six o'clock strikes.
But then, it isn't any other work day for me also. After months of killing myself with work, I finally had time to go and kiss old habits hello. I went to hear Mass at the mall, but hey, that's already a big leap for me because it has been a while since I went to hear Mass on Sundays. And what's even crazier is the fact that I heard Mass, but wasn't even able to listen intently to it. Aside from the inconducive place, there was a big distraction for me. Too big, it was almost torture. No details here. I got to keep that thing. And I'm sorry to say that I wasn't even able to finish the Mass. urk.
After the unfinished Mass was my time to go bonding with my mom and sis. It has really been eons since we've spent time this way, together. Eat out. Boutique-hopping. Shoe-shopping. When I was still schooling, this has been some kind of routine for us. Meet ups after school, dinner out, a little window shopping. But since I started working, I haven't been spending time with them. And I am guilty. So now, I'm having a pinky-swear with myself: Some more quality family time. Yey! :)
Hello, Old Habits! Reina's back :)
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