Where's My Optimism?

I don't like to feel tired and discouraged and unmotivated.

... as what I'm feeling right now ...

I would really love to blog about my weekend, but the pictures are not yet uploaded, so now I'm going to blab about nothing nice, but hopefully I'd make sense, even just for me.

I had my first day of the Didactics today, and I'm not in any way motivated. How could I set my mind into this? Eventhough I've always wanted to get to this point, I'm still hesitant, in doubt, and I don't want to feel this way. I want to think happy thoughts, but I can't seem to find the perfect memories of being a student nurse that would uplift me and get me to my positive self once more.

But this is just the start.

My Lord has given me this chance. And I hope that I can give my best for his greater glory.


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