Double Friday and Triple Eleven

11.11.11, Friday, T.G.I.Friday's.

So that is a weird, yet appropriate title, I suppose?

On that day, while everyone is enjoying a free weekend and spending the day some place amazing, there I was, trapped in the domains of the clinic, working. But thank you for after shift calls telling me to be somewhere else instead of heading straight home. I was thinking, lucky me, I'd be having something special for my day.

So I headed straight to Dubai Mall. It's my second time there (first time's here), and this time, I went there just for dinner. TGIFriday's. And they chose a place where we could view the Dancing Fountain. Amazing!

So-so, but still I ate with all of me, as I do nowadays ;)

Fountain. The show was every 30 minutes from 7pm to 11pm, so we got to enjoy the waters dancing to classicals and Arabic music throughout our meal.

Dessert Minis. Oreo, Strawberry, Snickers. Super sweet. Super yummy! :)


The view from our dining place.

The peaks.


The lake where the fountain is set.

My adoptive family :))

And a happy me taking photos of these Christmas lights :)

And cheers to a double Friday and a triple Eleven :) And to hope!


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