23 Colorful Years (Black and White Included)
And I'd have to remind myself of my age everytime.
Today, I'm a (year) day older. And while age cannot gauge how much one has matured, I would still say that those numbers say pretty much of me.
Twenty-three years of existence. I've earned a degree; I've seeked for a career that (I wish) could define me; I've lost loved ones; I've left a life of comfort and familiarity to seek a different story; I've been away from home for so long that I'm almost consumed.
Definitely, life is good. God is great. He has showered me with so much love and support from all the people who actually matter. He did not leave me at any point of this journey. And no matter how much I break down because of all the heart aches that this homesickness is bringing my days, I am still grateful for I have hope and I have faith. And love is there, near or far.
And while I will always be a spoiled brat who'll never be in content, I'm still thanking You, and all of you, who have made my agonizing days bearable. Thank you for making my life worth living!
Cheers! To life! And to aging! :)) Oh, wait! It's my Forever 21 year 2. :))
Happy Candles Day! :)
happy birthday love. =) mwah! =)