Beach Sunsets and How Crows Scare Me
20 October 2011
When frustrations pile up, you just got to do something about it; else, you'll be too emotionally drained, depression will sink in.
So on our restday, instead of doing the chores at home, we found our way to the beach.
And forgive my get-up, I had to be wrapped up because we went to the malls before and after the beach.
So, Jumeira Beach Park, here I am again! And this time, I got to savor the beauty of your place.
There are restaurants and refreshment shops, so you would not have to worry if you brought no food with you.
Playground. Yes, swings and slides and monkey bars!
And crows were everywhere. And cats too. Okay, so crows were always in a formation, and they fly so low I feel like they're going to attack me or something, and when they caw I feel so small and vulnerable. So I conclude, I am scared of crows. So I have to know more about them so that I would not be freaking out the next time.
And did I say crows were everywhere? gaaah!
We then laid our mat on the sands. What can you expect from a beach in the deserts? :) We had some chips and then headed for a swim.
The waters were clear and blue with the temperature just right for an afternoon swim. Perfection ;)
And then, sunset came. Sunsets are always overwhelming for me. It can symbolize a lot of things, thoughts and emotions seem to creep down inside of me everytime I observe the sun sink down.
With the change in climate here, it's just the perfect time to set off for the beach. So after last week's frustration, we just had to come back and fill our hearts with joy. :)
Crows are so resident evil-ish that's why they're scary! :-p