Interesting Instincts

Saturday morning. 6.30am. Across the office. Someone waited for us.

I went out of the office building with my 2 batchmates, Jaja and Momi Aims. As we crossed from SkyRise1 to Bay2, Jaja noticed a stray dog. We did not mind that at all because we were too busy talking about our calls. As we were walking to SkyRise3, we noticed that it was still following us. We thought that maybe it can't pass because we were walking too slowly and were taking the whole width of the sidewalk; so we paused for a little while and waited for the dog to pass, but it didn't. He* paused when we paused, and what's even more amazing is that when we stopped by the ATM, he stopped, sat and waited until we're done... And he was shaking... Pangging** was shaking while at a halt. After our transactions with the bank, we continued walking, and Pangging continued following us. Then he kind of got left behind because it was still scratching so we tried to get ahead of a group of 3 and observed if he would follow them. After Pangging finished scratching, he went ahead of the group, paused to look at them, and continued walking until he found us. We were then touched. We decided to feed him because maybe he was hungry that's why he's shaking. We crossed another street, and then another, and he crossed with us. I then bought burger yum from Jollibee (our best option in mind while skimming the whole IT Park for something that would be okay for a dog), while Ja and Momi waited outside. I wasn't so sure what to expect when I got out of the food chain; but when I got out, there they were sitting on the ledge outside, Pangging still with them. So Jaja fed him. He sniffed the food, but did not eat. We thought maybe he was shy, so we distanced ourselves, and until Jaja was the one who turned her back, he sniffed again, and then ate the patty. Just the patty. So Jaja continued giving him the patty, little by little. Until only the bun was left. We went to go and ride. Pangging still followed us, crossed two streets, and we bid goodbye to him. And he was sitting there watching us until we left off.

Such interesting morning: interesting dog, interesting instincts! I'm wondering right that moment up to now, will he be there tomorrow when we get out from the office?

*I'm assuming now it's a he. I'm not comfortable with using it for animals, especially for dogs.
**Jaja named it Pangging, we agreed :)


  1. awwwwww cute cute dog =) my heart always has a special place for dogs. =)

  2. As in, so amazing. Maybe the dog knows the 3 of us have hearts for dogs.. It's moments like this I hate not having a cam..tsk


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