Leaving Work

Wednesday dawn, and I’m preparing my things for work. But work does not come until this evening. I know. But here is why: I am resigning from my job. If it is for a 30-day notice, it should be effective on the 12th of March. But that would be too far, too long. They say I should sacrifice a little more, that’s two weeks more. And I say that it’s not that easy. Being very depressed and unfocused in work gets me nowhere. My head aches too much, I can’t control my mood, and I don’t sound friendly and willing to help no matter how I try. Because, the medications are pulling me down. That is why I need to go to the office this 8 A.M. and submit an immediate resignation letter. It wouldn’t matter anymore if they approve it or not. I already tried to stay for a week, and it got me to the same decision: to make it immediate. Now I’m staying here at home, bum once again, always sleeping and eating, with no plans for the future. That is how negatively my pain is affecting me.


  1. hmm. i know how that feels. wish i was there to comfort you.

  2. Thanks jo. I appreciate it, and I know if you could have been here, you would've spent time with me. thanks.


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