Byebye Coffee, For Now

"So you're a coffee-addict." That's what my Neurologist told me. I told her, "No, at least, not anymore". So she suggested, or no, more like insisted that I eliminate coffee and other caffeinated drinks to minimize Migraine attacks.

I was actually a coffee-addict. But since the year 2009, I have been slowly regulating my coffee intake. So now, what I have to do is really avoid coffee, or any other caffeinated drinks like tea and soda at that. Right now, I'm finding alternatives. I've been drinking hot chocolate with my breakfast. And it actually feels good :D

Unfortunately now, I have to do away with Starbucks :( Poor me... :(


  1. oh no Starbucks for you! :( its ok rei, you can do fresh fruit juices. that's healthier.

  2. I guess I'll have to deal with that. tsk. :((


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